Pudding tiramisu shortbread apple pie I love. Fruitcake gingerbread macaroon candy canes marzipan macaroon.

A safe space to learn from other authentic women

The ALBA Podcast

Fun Colourful Modern Natural • Honest • Authentic •

Mark-making ft. Tuesday Ceramics


Keep being real and showing up


Don't despise small beginnings


Featured Episodes

Chocolate chocolate bar jelly gummi bears pie cupcake pudding carrot cake chocolate cake. Fruitcake gingerbread macaroon candy canes marzipan macaroon.

How to attract your ideal clients

Chocolate chocolate bar jelly gummi bears pie cupcake pudding carrot cake chocolate cake. Fruitcake gingerbread macaroon candy canes marzipan macaroon.

What to wear on a branding shoot

Chocolate chocolate bar jelly gummi bears pie cupcake pudding carrot cake chocolate cake. Fruitcake gingerbread macaroon candy canes marzipan macaroon.

How to amplify your brand voice

What You'll Discover:

Podcasts for Authentic women

Less is more. I believe in capturing the authentic moments, because they exist if we let them happen. Soufflé ice cream sweet lollipop chocolate cheesecake cake powder.

I'm Mathilde, self-professed minimalist 

"Mathilde really portrayed the side of me I'd been hiding for years"

Maria Faith, pottery maker

fiona Rose, Photographer

"The photos Mathilde captured really took my breath away"

Rachel Inman, Business coach

"I've never seen photos of me that I liked, until I saw these ones"

Minimal Living

On the Blog